
Friday, June 21, 2013

Redneck Romeo Release Party

June 21

Lorelei James is celebrating the release of REDNECK ROMEO with a SEVEN day party.  SEVEN great giveaways, SEVEN different posts.  Stop by all the amazing blogs participating in the party to increase your chances to win!!! Each blog will post a special REDNECK ROMEO post all seven days (no weekend posts)

Prize List:
1) Redneck Romeo charm bracelet

2) Kindle fire

3) Basket of goodies, including a McKay brand fleece blanket and other McKay branded stuff and conference trinkets

4) Full set of signed Rough Riders books

5) 1 of a kind handmade small Western purse


7) $100 gift card to
Interview (Slick from Guilty Pleasures conducted the interview)
Hey Lorelei...I bet after last weekend at RAGT you thought you'd be off the hook with questions from me and my oh so nosey husband, huh?  But because, I know some people out there might be interested in knowing some of the things he asked you the first two questions are from him and I left out the insanely personal ones he asked! 

Slick's hubster:  If you could spend one night with one of the McKay's which one would it be and why? 
Any of the McKays? Hmm...asking the tough questions right off the bat, but today I'd have to say...Bennett McKay.

Slick's hubster:  Have you even considered writing a woman that turns the tables on one of your dominate men?  One that looks at the man when he's being demanding and says, "yeah right, how about you do that and then we'll talk."
I haven't considered that for the Rough Riders series, but my new series--The Surrender Series--which debuts early next year--has more possibilities for that type of scenario since the books feature bondage and a sex club with Dominants and submissives. Then there's always the Rawhide Club, from COWBOY CASANOVA. I've gotten tons of questions on whether I'd be interested in turning that concept into a series.

Slick: You probably figured I'd ask this one since we've conversed about it many times, when the hell am I going to get my story about Ramona and the rest of the West side? 
Well, you're in luck, you heard it here first! DR. FEELGOOD, Doc Monroe, Chet and Remy West's story in the Wild West Boys series is scheduled to release in December 2013!
Slick:  If you could take two months off and do anything you wanted to and go anywhere you wanted and money was no object, what would you do and why? 
I would visit all the islands in the Caribbean and just chill out. Recharge my batteries and sun and sand and water always does it for me.

Slick: Thanks L for being a good sport, for creating this wonderful family we all love, and for being you, because I have to say you are pretty damn awesome!
Aw, thanks!

RR-Release-Party (1)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Buy Links
Amazon Barnes & Noble

Participating Blogs
Lorelei James 
Lori Armstrong
Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews 
Hesperia Loves Books
Romantic Book Affairs 
Tattooed Book Review
Regina May Ross's
deal sharing aunt 
Fictional Candy
Heart Breaking Reviews
Mrs Condit & Friends Read Books 
Book Bitches Blog 
Books Books and More Books
My Fiction Nook
Queen of the Night Reviews
hea's romances with a little kick 
Talk Supe 
Seawitch Reviews 
All Romance Reviews
Angie's Dreamy Reads
Book-A-Holic Anon 
The Rambling Readerista
Nightstand Novels
Shayna Renee's Spicy Reads
Book Obsessed Chicks 
herding cats & burning soup 
What's On the Bookshelf 
Storm Goddess Book Reviews & More
Blackraven's Erotic Cafe
Blackraven's Reviews 
AJ's Reading Nook 
The Readers Roundtable
Dark Divas Reviews
SnifferWalk Books
Harlie's Books 
Dear Brighton 
Scorching Book Reviews
i love lady porn 
My Odd Little World 
Not Now...Mommy's Reading
Readers Confession
A Little Fiction of Every Flavour 
Reading, Eating & Dreaming 
My Life Beyond Labels
Harlie Williams, Writer
The Risque Redhead Reads
Musings From An Addicted Reader
Reading Between the Wines
3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy Too1 
For The Love of Reading
Reality Bites! Let's Get Lost!! 
Read Your Writes Book Reviews 
Bookworm Brandee 
Delighted Reader
Seductive Musings 
Sugar and Spice Book Reviews 
Under the Covers
My Secret Romance Book Reviews 
A Dream Within A Dream
Redheads Review it Better 
My Life with Books and Boys
Simply Ali 


1 comment:

  1. Glad I stumbled onto this site. Thanks for the blog hop. Neat prizes

