
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Essential Living Aromatherapy Recipes For Health and Home by Andrea Butje Book Review

                                  ESSENTIAL LIVING BY ANDREA BUTJE

When I got this book in the mail I couldn't wait to read it! Almost all of us want our everyday items to be free of toxic and chemicals. This book teaches us how to use essential oils to make items that are free of additives. You will learn how to make healthy products to use on your body, how to create natural scrubs for the body and air fresheners that are natural and safe to use.
   Each chapter is devoted to a certain room in the house or a particular area in the home. There is also a chapter on , "Limiting Exposure to Toxins and Chemicals." There are recipes for, " Little Lips and Cheek Balm" , and "Disinfecting Hand Gel  for Caretakers and Kids".
The first we tried was "Gentle Back Rub Oil for Coughs and Colds."
The ingredients are,

1oz  of jojoba oil
3 drops of Roman Chamomile essential oil
3 drops Balsam Fir essential oil
Tools ; one 1 oz glass or Pet plastic bottle
Directions  Add oils to jojoba in bottle shake gently to mix
notes  Shake gently before use. Apply to the back of neck and back before bedtime or as needed during the day. Try applying this blend in a steamy bathroom to help carry soothing vapors. Not for use on children younger than 5 years old.
With three grandchildren I am very excited that the author has decided to share her fantastic oils and how to use them. Just think, if you had a newborn or elderly person these would be  especially important. All you have to do is take one look at the labels on the items that you use everyday and you will have your answer and your reason to change. I was given these book for the purpose of a review and all opinions are my own.

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You can also buy this book at Amazon


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