
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Heartbeat Away by S. Dionne Moore Book Review

                                                  A Heartbeat Away

When a band of runaway slaves brings Union-loyal Beth Bumgartner a wounded Confederate soldier named Joe, it is the catalyst that pushes her to defy her pacifist parents and become a nurse during the Battle of Antietam.
Her mother’s mysterious goodbye gift is filled with quilt blocks that bring comfort to Beth during the hard days and lonely nights, but as she sews each block, she realizes there is a hidden message of faith within the pattern that encourages and sustains her. Reunited with Joe, Beth learns his secret and puts the quilt’s message to its greatest test—but can betrayal be forgiven?

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           Book Info 

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Meet Dionne:

Dionne Moore is a historical romance author who resides in South Central PA with her family, surrounded by the beautiful Cumberland Valley and lots of fun, historically rich locations. She is a weekly contributor to "The Borrowed Book", a blog for book-lovers and "Cozy Mystery Magazine", for all things cozy mystery.

Learn more about Dionne at

 My review;  it is very hard in today's day to understand what people had to go through to survive. many years ago.  There were no phones, tv or easy ways to communicate. When someone left their home it was almost understood that you would never see them again. When Beth decides to become a nurse during the war she is also going against her parents beliefs. Would they ever see each other again? Why has her mother given her a stack of quilt blocks? The author has written a story of love and faith, even though some may disagree with each other. I give this book a 5/5, I really enjoyed it. The characters were very real and they were easy to understand and feel what they were feeling. 

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