
Monday, May 6, 2013


First let me start out by saying this is one of the most wonderful things that I have ever done, about my late husband, Bruce.

      When my husband Bruce, (Poppie), died suddenly a few years ago we had been married almost 40 years! When we were first married he learned really fast how much I loved to read. Actually my favorite books to read were historical romances. Bruce used to tease me and say that I didn't just read the books I devoured them. I read every historical romance that I could get my hands on.
      Some of my favorite heroes were the handsome, strong men who were Captains of their ships in the 19th century. The sea Captains of the ships during the wars were always fighting and were sent wherever they were told or they would be hanged for treason.
    Imagine how excited  I was to learn about  . I could not even begin to tell you how I could not wait to get my hands on one of their personalized stories. These books are written by a married couple  that have  written books about all different kinds of heroes and lovers in all different time periods. There were so many choices that it took me a while to pick one, but when I saw the story about sea Captains and Pirates, I knew I had found the perfect one to have my own fantasy!
   If you have ever been on a cruise, if you love to go skiing, even if you like to find love at a dude ranch they have a perfect book for you. Imagine how it would feel to live out your own fantasy. The first step was to pick out the theme that I wanted to have my fantasy romance be about, and as you probably guessed it was the High Seas theme. Then I was asked to fill out a short questionnaire. When I did this I felt like I was writing down some of my most cherished memories, to share with my children and grandchildren.  Some of the questions were my husband's and my color hair and eyes, how long we were together, even our nicknames for each other. I was even able to pick if I wanted the mild or wild version. I picked the mild version because I knew that my family was going to be reading this.
   Then I  waited everyday for my book to arrive. When it did I opened the package as quick as I could. I started to get all choked up from the very first page. As I kept reading,  I saw more of myself and my husband's personality emerge. As he used to like to say, I devoured the book. I read some pages over and over. Even now a few days later as I  show my family the book, I find myself reading it over and over in awe of what this book already means to me.  My children have all said that they want to get one of their own. I have shown neighbors, relatives and just about anyone and everyone who I thought would be as excited as I was, MY book.  This has already become a family heirloom!

They show you a picture of the book and a short paragraph telling you about the book  so you can decide if this is the one that you want. 

High Seas Romance by Jennifer Price
is a personalized historical novel set during the turn of the century – the 19th century that is - and England and France are locked in a struggle that plays out over both land and sea.
    If you've ever dreamed of battling pirates on the high seas, as hero and the heroine in this book, you'll get your fill.
    Our hero is a brave and dashing captain in the British Royal Navy who must go wherever duty takes him. His true love seeks a way to avoid being left behind, and in doing so faces many challenges, toughing it out with pirates among them.
    What follows is a swashbuckling adventure featuring exotic ports-of- call perfect for romance and a glimpse into a time where seemingly simple choices meant the difference between life and death.
    Will our couple succumb to perils natural or manmade? Or will their love shelter them from the storm?

About Us Inc. is the brainchild of husband/wife writing team Kathy M. Newbern and J.S. Fletcher, who write together as Fletcher Newbern. They not only developed the concept and founded the company in 1992, but also have written 20 of the current novels available.
When not writing romance, they work as travel writers, have set foot on every continent, and have visited many of the exotic locations that are the settings for their personalized romance novels. You can even upload a photo of the starring couple to appear on the cover of the book.
email contact's paperbacks average 170 pages and start at $39.95; hardbacks average 200 pages and start at $69.95. Photos can be added to the cover for an additional $25. Priority shipping and handling is $7 in the U.S. or $25 on global orders. Ebooks start at $14.95. Mother's Day orders should be placed by May 5 for delivery in the United States.
I was given this book by for the purpose of a review and all opinions are 100% my own.

My Giveaway: 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. There are so many amazing books on there! Hard to choose one favorite! ;) One that caught my eye is Red Moon Waltz by Gail Gibbs. Intriguing story line and it has some of my favorite elements! :) Thank you for the amazing giveaway!
