
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Our Fruit 2O Dial it Back Mommy Party!!

                                         WOW!!!!!   WOW!!!!
Tropical Fruit, Strawberry, Raspberry, Cucumber Lemon, Watermelon, Peach, Orange, Lemon, Grape, Cherry
With zero sugar, zero calories, zero carbs and zero artificial flavors, Fruit2O brings you water with just enough natural fruit flavor. As part of the brand's appreciation for balance and restraint, they have launched the Dial it Back movement.

  • Information about the new Dial it Back Facebook app
    • This lighthearted app monitors your Facebook posts and updates to create a humorous infographic dashboard, highlighting those areas in which you and your friends may want to dial back.
    • Check out who's guilty of shameless sweetie mentions, from the bar broadcasting, and sports team smack talk and share the app with other friends who might need to dial it back a bit, too!

We had a huge party and we all loved the flavors of the Fruit 2O Drinks!!
Here is one of the partygoers loving the Cucumber Lemon. I was very surprised because he loves lemon but hates cucumbers of any kind. He said that this was really good. The flavors were all really good!

These were 2 people who found the ones that were their favorites!   They had a great time.  Fruit 2O is a delicious fruit flavored water with nothing but flavor.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I really loved all of the flavors and I was surprised that it really had no additives.  I was given this by Mommy Parties, Maria Bailey and Mom-Select for the purpose of a review and all opinions are 100% my own.

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