
Monday, April 1, 2013

Invisible by Ginny L. Yttrup Book Review

   This is a story of three women, Ellyn, Sabina, and Twila.
   Ellyn owns a cafe and she has always struggled with and hidden behind some extra weight. When a widower who happens to be her newly ex Doctor, who just referred her to someone else says that he would like to start seeing her she thinks that he is making it up. Miles must work through his fears of losing someone again to be able to love again. They eventually all come to see themselves as God does each in their own way flaws and all. I really loved the ending.
   Sabina, who owns a great counseling business has left her older daughters and her husband to take a year in Northern California to heal herself. We find ourselves trying to think why she has made this decision.
   Twila is trying to gain pounds and get out of hiding her eating problems. Her eating problems come back and she wants to hide  but this time she she fights and tries to help her own survival.
  Even though one may think that they have nothing in common you begin to understand that we all do. These 3 women will start to see their lives start to become meshed  together. Ellyn is the kind of person who attracts people to herself and her Cafe. She is easy to talk to, but, she is unable to get close to anyone,  and she is hiding a secret of her own. Who is speaking to her in her mind whenever she tries to make a decision for herself? She first notices  Sabrina when she is sitting in the same doctor's office that she has. They speak for the first time and start to really talk to each other when Sabrina comes to eat at her Cafe.
   Twilia from the first finds a friend in Ellyn and she seems to really care about her, too. They begin to trust each  other and God and they begin to heal each other. I love this book, really loved it. The characters seem so real to me . The book from beginning to end speaks of God's love for everyone.
   I was given this book by Handlebar Publishing for the purpose of a review but all opinions are 100% my own.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a good book. I really like the cover. Thanks for sharing!
