
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie Pomroy, "Make and Take" Mommy Party. Sponsored by Random House Review

   When I found out that I had been selected to host a FAST METABOLISM DIET "MAKE AND TAKE" MOMMY PARTY , SPONSORED BY RANDOM HOUSE, I was so excited I started to plan it before I even got the goodies in the mail. I started by reading anything that I could find on Haylie Pomroy!  I was so impressed that I found myself watching the mail everyday. When it came I could not believe how generous they were !
  A brand new MYTIME DIGITAL SLOW COOKER CROCK POT with recipes!

  There were books to give to my friends and relatives so that we could do this together, samples and coupons for Celestial Teas, Artisana 100% organic Raw Cashew Butter, coupons for Applegate Meats, (which we buy all the time and love) and fantastic recipes to try! There was a $20.00 gift card from Target.
  We were amazed to see all of the different foods that we were able to eat on this diet. The author begins by explaining  what your metabolism is and what it does in your body. We had a great time trying the different foods and found that they really tasted wonderful and they were organic and better for your health.
Everyone had a great time discussing the book and the diet. It is a great time to start a diet before we get to summer.

Thank you Mommy Parties, The Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie Pomroy by Random House, Celestial Teas, Artisana Organic Foods, Applegate , The Original Slow Cooker Crock Pot and Target.
I was given these for the purpose of a review, and all opinions are 100% my own.

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