
Friday, April 5, 2013

Bread & Wine by Shauna Neiquist Book Review

I just finished reading Bread  & Wine a Love Letter toLife Around the Table with Recipes by Shauna Neiquist. This book is a collection of essays about certain times in the author's life and along with these essays are some great recipes. Some may be sad and some are happy, but they are all heartfelt. It takes a lot of courage for someone to write about their life and their personal feelings and thoughts.
 I still remember going to my grandmother and grandfather's house every Sunday where we all sat around the table eating pasta, homemade bread and homemade wine. I can still smell the grapes fermenting in the cellars. This story brings smiles as well as tears to my eyes. It is as the author says a place to learn, as well as share your unique you. It is also a place where you are free to be you.
In the days when people my age were children and my children were children, the kitchen table was the center of the family. On a lot of evenings we could be found sitting with one or more of our children while they were doing their homework. Once I started reading these short essays I had to keep going until I finished the whole book. This author has the ability to make the reader compare their experiences with what they are reading about. One of her recipes Robin's Super Healthy Lentil Soup reminded me of a soup that my Italian side of the family makes during the winter.  It is called Lentil and Chestnut Soup.  When I first got married my husband fell in love with this and late fall every year he would check the produce department of the grocery store to see if they had them in yet.  I really enjoyed this book. This book is one of the best I have ever had the opportunity to read. I was given this book by Handlebar Publishing , Zondervan  for the purpose of a review but all opinions are 100% my own.

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