
Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Matter of Fate by Ellie Heller Spotlight and Review

A Matter of Fate
Ellie Heller

Genre: Paranormal Romance/ Contemporary Fantasy Romance

Publisher: Crimson Romance

Book Description:

Someone is setting death-spells targeting mortals and elf blood alike. With her mentor out of commission, it’s up to half-trained Warder Mona Lisa Kubrek to stop the magic. Despite being told repeatedly her job is to nullify spells and not go after the source, too many people are at risk for her to not track the spell-caster down. Even meeting a sexy half-elf shifter won’t distract her from her goal.

Except Cart Dupree is fully trained and has the team to search for the evildoer, so she’d be stupid to not use his expertise. Stupid is something she can’t afford to be, not with her enemy’s henchmen after her. Later she’ll deal with Cart and his questions about her special abilities and the non-standard training her mentor has given her. Right now, they need to unravel where the magician is, and who he is, before he builds enough power to decimate them all.

Roxanne Rhoads
Author, Book Publicist, Owner Bewitching Book

About the Author:

After living in several cities east of the Mississippi, but never quite out of the snow belt, I've settled down in SW Ohio with my three kids, two dogs (one of whom thinks he's a cat) and one cat (who thinks he's a dog).

I write paranormal romance and contemporary fantasy, all with a suspenseful edge. A MATTER OF FATE, a 'traditional' paranormal romance, will be available this spring from Crimson Romance. My first published short (GLBT sensual), "Ginny's Capture" is available now.

I'm also an acquisitions editor (i.e. slush reader :-) ) for Curiosity Quills Press using my full first name, Alison.


My Review ;  Even though Mona Lisa Krubek is only a half-trained Warder she must find the one responsible for setting death spells on elf blood and mortals.  While she is trying to solve the mystery she realizes that she needs help and accepts the help of a hot sexy half-elf shifter named Cart Dupree. It was a great book which had romance as well as danger. While they fight to find the magician and stop him, Mona Lisa has to focus on staying alive and not getting too close to Cate. I give this book a 5/5.  I loved every page. I was given this book by Bewitching Book Tours for the purpose of a review and all opinions are 100% my own.
Don't forget to enter this giveaway,
a Rafflecopter giveaway

  tour April 15-29

April 15 Interview
Laurie's Paranormal Thoughts and Reviews     

April 16 Guest blog
Place of Reads Book Blog

April 17 Guest blog
The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom

April 18 Guest blog
Sylv Jenkins

April 20 Spotlight and review
Faerie Tale Books

April 21 Guest blog
Paranormal Romance Fans for Life

April 23 Spotlight
Lisa’s World of Books

April 25 Interview
Cloey's Book Reviews and Other Stuff

April 26 Spotlight
Books Books and More Books 

April 27 Spotlight and review
3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too!   

April 28 Guest blog
Roxanne’s Realm

April 29 Guest blog
Fang-tastic Books

Roxanne Rhoads
Author, Book Publicist, Owner Bewitching Book 


  1. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. Sounds like great books!

  2. Thank you for your generosity and peak at your book :)

  3. This sounds like a book my mom would really love!

  4. Congrats on the great review, Ellie!
