
Friday, February 8, 2013

Heartbreaker Blog Hop

Are our heroes heartthrobs or heartbreakers? Or are they just the same thing? Yummy right? Valentine's Day is just around the corner for this blog hop and we're gearing up to see what exactly is a heartbreaker. Is the song playing in your head line mine? "Cuz he's a heartbreaker!" We love those sexy men, but what about those times in the story when they aren't perfect. Because come on, we know they aren't perfect. What makes those men heartbreakers? What can those guys do to make it better? Is there a way to grovel? Come on! Tell me about your heartbreaker!!
I am giving away a romance book with a bad boy heartbreaker! check out the other bloggers! my daughter is over at deal sharing aunt
a Rafflecopter giveaway
grand prize


  1. I don't really have a heartbreak story. I enjoy reading Nicholas Sparks' heartbreakers. Thanks!

  2. I dont have one. I've never really had a BIG relationship to where I would get hurt. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. My heartbreak story is that I haven't found the love of my life. I love reading Kallypso Master's series Masters-At-Arms; also Tymber Dalton's The Reluctant Dom very heartbreaking story!
    Thanks for the contest!
    Happy V Day!
    bluebirdsub24 at gmail dot com

  4. I do not have a heartbreak story. I havent found my one yet. Thanks for the giveaway. Emilyb0924 at gmail dot com

  5. Mine isn't a romance, but Doomsday Book by Connie Willis, while really good and well written, always leaves me worn out and sad (yes, it gets me involved enough that all the sad/bad things that happen leaves me "heart broken").

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  6. For me the heartbreaker is a bad boy who goes kicking and screaming into love! When he falls he falls hard!

    The only heartbreakers I have encountered are literary! And my all time fav is Mr Darcy! Although, I am currently crushing on Zadist from the Black Dagger Brotherhood!


  7. No heart break stories.. only in fiction :)
    Thanks so much for participation!

  8. None grand heartbreaking story yet. only the annoying ones.

  9. No heartbreaking story for me.

    susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

  10. All I can think of is the charecter Johnny Duane Reed from Cindy Gerard's Black ops inc series & the book Whisper No Lies. Throughout the series he flirts with all the women until he meets his match and is taken down a notch by her.

  11. My boyfriend in high school is my heartbreaker.

  12. My first boyfriend in junior high. Thanks for the giveaway.

  13. We all want to love a Heartbreaker. Maybe its because of his chiseled good looks, his bad boy attitude, or the mysterious nature of him. Some Heartbreakers are just that, they know what they got and how to use it to get what they want. Then there are those Heartbreakers that don’t even realize that they are doing it. The best part about a Heartbreaker is that there is always a woman that turns their world upside down until they realize it is love. I have read many Romance Novels over the years and have run into many memorable Heartbreakers and my favorites are usually the ones that don’t even know they are Heartbreakers! Some of my personal favorite Heartbreakers are :

    Kade Jamenson (Werewolf) from An Alpha’s Path. Kade is a sexy werewolf that will make you burn but a mishap with a potential mate makes him not think he will find love.

    Ian MacPhie (Vampire) from All I Want For Christmas is a Vampire. Ian is a heartbreaking Highland Vampire that was frozen in his immortality when he was only 15. With the help of his friend he is given a drug that helps him age to 28 so he could look like a man instead of a child after hundreds of years. He has no idea that he looks of a warrior and the lover.

    Lothaire Daciano (Vampire) from Lothaire. Lothaire is definitely a heartbreaker and his cocky attitude proves it! Thinks he’s a gift to women! Its just the sucker punch from a woman he doesn’t realize is his equal that brings him down a notch.

    Marius Parker from His Contrary Bride. Marius is every part the gentlemen but doesn’t realize he could also easily be the rogue!

    Benjamin Gateway from To Win His Wayward Wife. Benjamin doesn’t realize that he is a heartbreaker because the one woman he loved, he lost….or did he?

    Fury North (Human with Canine DNA) from Fury and Valiant North (Human with Feline DNA) from Valiant. Fury and Valiant are strong New Species and gorgeous to boot, but because they are damaged they doesn’t think they can hold onto to the women they love.

    Sigimor Cameron from Highland Conqueror. Sigimor is every bit the Highland Laird and warrior but can he hold onto to the beautiful English lady?

    Joshua Striker (Werewolf) from Alexandra’s Legacy. Joshua is a scared and battle hard enforcer for his pack and he thinks that he doesn’t have what it takes to make the women melt.

  14. My ex left me for another girl
    My favorites are Kresley Cole's Lothaire, Jeaniene Frost's Bones, JR Ward's Z & V, & Charlaine Harris's Eric :)
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  15. My favorite is Alex from Kiss An Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips!

    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

  16. My ex chose alcohol and drugs over me and our daughters.


  17. thanks for participating


  18. My hubby loves his computer more than me and the boys :(

    jennirv4967 at gmail dot com

  19. I don't have a personal heartbreak story. I live all my heartbreaks through books and movies. Thanks for being part of this awesome hop!


  20. I have had too many to pick from. My favorite heartbreaker is the one that your heart can’t live without. One of my best is Lucas from D B Reynolds book “Lucas” (Vampire in America series). Strong mind, well put together and tender when he needs to be.

    Judy Peterson

  21. My personal heartbreak story is the story of my first love. I was 14 and he was 17. I thought he was the greatest thing ever...but he broke my heart and turned me down. Turned out he turned me down because he was gay, so he wasn't a heartbreaker on purpose.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!! So many great prizes!! Happy Valentine's Day!
    Ashley A

  22. My heartbreak story was with my husband. We met and got engaged rather quickly. After being together and planning the wedding, we called it off about three months before the wedding. More his choice than mine. After almost a year apart we ran into each other in the emergency room when I was there with my son. Long story short he did everything in his power to get me back. We are married with five kids now. sbereza22(at)gmail(dot)com

  23. I dont have a heartbreak story. Thank you for the awesome hop and giveaway!!! :)

  24. I have mercifully avoided a heart breaker.
    planterofhope at aol dot com

  25. My crush rejecting me in the third grade. My little heart was broken : (


  26. My ex cheated on me and broke my heart when i was 15.. Good thing my best friend came along and picked up the broken parts and gave me the second part of my soul when he asked me out... 14 years together going on 10 years married, two boys, two dog and a turtle life is good.

  27. Mine was handsome and funny, then he publicly humiliated me on purpose. Apparently he treated women like crap a lot and I didn't know it.

    doxisrcool at

  28. Luckily I have not had my heart broken

  29. I like the heartbreakers. They make the make up sex so much sweeter. Thanks for being Heartbreakers Blog Hop.
