
Sunday, December 30, 2012


    What makes a Grandmother get all choked up?  Well, this Grandmother got choked up and teary eyed  when Bobo and Sissy both read us stories yesterday. We gave them each a book that they had never seen before and they both were able to read and sound out most of the words. Not bad for kids that are homeschooled (ages 6 & 7). Bobo was in school for a short while until we realized that we could do better. They have learned more in a few short months than they ever would have done in school.
   Yes, sometimes we have days where they just don't feel like doing their lessons the usual  way, so through the beauty of homeschooling we can change our schedule at a moments notice or just do the lesson another way.
   Right before Christmas the kids made little gift baskets, coffee cups, tea bags, chocolate and more, and Mommy and Daddy took them to the neighbors. Just because they are homeschooled doesn't mean they cannot do things for their neighbors. It also taught them how giving gifts are sometimes better than getting gifts. Their neighbor's children are all grown up and they were really pleased to see the kids. They talked about what they did all evening.  I was so so proud.


  1. I was crying all the way home that night :) my kids are soo smart many times children never learn the normal way and sadly many teachers do not have the time to help so they fall through the cracks

  2. I was looking through your blog, reading some of your posts. I notice you do book reviews and have a love for most of us homeschoolers. :) Anyway, I thought you may be interested in this site for for your children. has books for homeschoolers by homeschoolers.
