
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Flirting With Fangs by Peg Pierson Giveaway and Review

Excerpt  Page 85, 86 
The vampire clutched his stomach. “Something is amiss.” He grimaced. “I feel as though a dragon lurks within me.”
From her chair Bailey watched. Fear tickled her gut. What if whatever happened to bring him into this world was reversing itself? The fear spread, hot and scalding. She couldn’t lose him, not now…
Not ever.
Torin Kane might be a fictional character, but there was nothing imaginary about the way she felt in his strong arms, the way his touch made her body sing, and the way his dark gaze seemed to reach right through her eyes and into her soul.
Somehow, destiny had brought the dark warrior, the man of her dreams to life. And Bailey knew at that moment, that without Torin, her own life would be nothing more than a blank page.

I thought that this book was a lot of fun to read. Imagine that you are a vampire romance writer like Bailey Hamilton and your imaginary Hero comes to life! That is what happens to Bailey, and she is afraid, excited and wants to keep him in her life. She cannot lose him after the way he makes her feel. Although this is a vampire romance Hero that she has imagined, he is very real and he wants to find love after all  he has been through in Bailey's books. This book to me was a mix of imagination, romance, horror, and some humor. It also reminded me of some time travel books I have read. I really loved this book by this wonderful author.I was given this book to read and review by being part of Bewitching Books Tours. All opinions are my own.

Flirting with Fangs
Peg Pierson
Vampire romance novelist Bailey Hamilton thinks her life is over. Her two-timing husband dumped her, she has a paralyzing case of writers’ block, and her big toe is bleeding.
Torin Kane, fictional Vampire Hero, is miserable. Chapter after chapter he has battled dragons, demons, and despicable villains, but his secret desire is to find true love and a tan. 
With a twist of fate, their worlds collide. A magical teardrop summons Torin to life. And Bailey finds herself face to face, with quite literally, the man of her dreams….                      
What Reviewers Are Saying About Flirting with Fangs:
"Peg Pierson truly brings her hero to life with this fantastically funny vampire tale. I cannot wait to see what this author comes up with next. I’m still holding my sides from laughing so much while reading this story. If the next adventure is only half as funny it will well be worth reading.” ~Night Owl Reviews
“I'm looking forward to reading more of her work. I enjoyed the wild tale of romance, terror, and undying love. She has a very interesting imagination and can summon up horrors Stephen King wouldn't think to put together in one book.”
~ Kathy F at The Romance Studio
About the Author:
Peg Pierson is a full-fledged Fang Fanatic and slightly deranged Halloween Enthusiast, with a closet full of plywood coffins, an assortment of plastic dismembered body parts, and of course…skeletons.
Currently, she lives in Minnesota and is busily typing away on a new paranormal comedy. Along with vampires, she loves her family, pecan kringle, and a good laugh.
Please visit her at

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  1. how weird, good thing she doesn't write horror!I wouldn't want a monster coming to life

  2. Good Morning! Thanks for hosting my debut novel! I actually LOVE horror as well as humor. If you are like me and a fan of both genres I would strongly recommend Christopher Moore. He and Mary Janice Davidson have been my inspiration. Happy Holidays!
    Fangs and Kisses,
