
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We Did It Bobo and Sissy Learned How To vote

    Bobo and Sissy watched and learned how to vote today! They both watched as either Mommy or Auntie Icky voted. They were shown how to sign in, get a ballot and pick your bubbles to mark, then they all walked over and watched as the ballot was put into the counting machine. Then they got a sticker that said that they voted!  They were so excited to show all of us their sticker and tell us how much they learned. When they were walking out they were both talking to the poll workers and they both also told them how much they liked doing this.
   We saw other children voting with their parent and or caregiver, what a wonderful sight. Then we all went out to lunch. I have never been so proud. We as a family believe that children learn by example and hands on learning. Especially children that are being home schooled. It turned out to be a great day of learning. Now we will continue to talk about our history and how we got to where we are today.

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