
Sunday, November 11, 2012


Giving Green Event  

Tonight starts another giveaway. This one is called Giving Green ...The Green Gift Event, hosted by Frugal Greenish Mama  and The Simmworks Family Blog.
   All of the participating blogs will be giving away something that helps the environment.
   Our giveaway will be made up of items that you can reuse and not have to just buy and throw away. Such as reusable grocery bags, some reususabe water bottles,
In addition, you also have a chance to win our grand prizes from Buy Green, Green Heart Shop, Kiwi Crate, Artterro, Tegu & ChicoBag! You’ll get bonus entries into the Grand Prize Giveaway for each giveaway you enter in the Giving Green Hop!Click here to enter the grand prize
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: Simmworks Family Blog, Frugal Greenish Mama, and the Giving Green bloggers are not responsible for sponsors that fail to fulfill their prizes


  1. I use coupons and I stockpile some products so we don't have to spend money on them as often. I'm seriously considering making my own laundry soap, body wash and etc to save even more money. Pinterest is a good site to use when looking for DIY ideas to save money.

  2. I visit thrift stores VERY often... I never buy new clothes!

  3. I like to use vinegar and water for cleaning... it saves on expensive cleaners and doesnt give me a migraine.

  4. Cut dryer sheets in half...or even better get some wool dryer balls.

  5. wow i go to the thrift store here 2 time week and then hit yard sale a lot and then if i win stuff i re gift it to member fo the family

  6. Buy things on sale, shop the ads, dont go to the store when you are hungry

  7. Buy paper products in bulk when they are on isn't like the spoil. Look around for cheaper beauty alternatives such as using witch hazel as a facial cleanser.
    bookloon at gmail dot com

  8. live with less. less stuff to store means a smaller house which saves on energy bills and other housing expenses

  9. The best tip possible is to carefully craft your budget, and stick to it. In order to stick to your household/food budget, couponing is usually a must. You can find sites to trade on, since coupons on the other side of the country are usually much better for you (and vice versa!) so check out the trading sites. Connect with other couponer friends on facebook and commit to sending envies to each other once a week. The $1/off coupon for x is good for you, because your stores don't double, but the .55/ is better for her, because doubled, it's worth $ find friends, and work it! Also, stay vigilante at your local Dollar Tree! Now that they accept coupons, your $1 off any Kelloggs cereal is FREE CEREAL if you catch them when they have some in stock (like right now) they constantly have name brands all the time, like purell, jack links, coca cola, scotties and just takes a moment to look. The best way to do it, is to spend a little time there and take inventory. Walk down each aisle, and write down the brand names you see. ALL of them...even if you don't use efferdent, a $1/ coupon means a freebie! Then when you're going over your coupons, you can do match-ups. You already know the price of the item!!
    (steps off soapbox... sorry it's so long!)

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