
Thursday, October 25, 2012


     So, here we are again. We are experiencing the same thing that we did last year at this time. I guess some of us have already written off Halloween for the second year in a row.
     The latest weather report showing the tracking path of Hurricane Sandy shows with a 90% certainty that it will hit the Northeast U.S. Sunday or Monday. They are saying it might hit New York City, New Jersey, or Connecticut. Whichever it decides to hit all of the eastern seaboard will see a lot of problems. Last year we were without power on the average of 6 to 9 days.
    We said last year we should get a generator.Now, as usual we kept putting it off. Yes, we worry about ourselves but our main concern is for Bobo and Sissy.  I suppose it is time to start taking out the flashlights, and all of the other essentials.
    Every day is another day of learning.  I've said it before and I will say it again, the kids are teaching us. They continue showing us every day just how much they can learn if someone just takes the time to make sure that they are really listening and taking part in the lesson. Whenever I drive by one of our public schools I wish I could go inside as a past Board Member and tell them how much kids need that extra little boost so that they can succeed.  I know I will hear all and more that I have heard before. Classes are too big, not enough teachers and etc. So, what is the solution? It's a tough question. One of the answers, I believe, is more parental involvement, like the PTA, helping out at the school and many other ways.
   We have found that Homeschooling is actually giving us more teaching time. When Bobo was in kindergarten there were fundraisers, PTA meetings, helping out at the school, waiting to drop off and pick him up. If  a child is not going to get all day kindergarten then they should just forget it altogether, for them to be in school for just a little over 2 hours is ridiculous.

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