
Monday, October 22, 2012


    I was given the opportunity to read and review BORDERS OF THE HEART BY CHRIS FABRY. This is the story of a man named J.D. Jessup who stops in the desert near Tuscan and takes on the daily grind of an organic farm. He has given up the songs in his head and his guitar. He will do anything to dull the memories he has and the pain he still feels. There is one rule that his boss has made perfectly clear, J.D. must call the Border Patrol if he sees an illegal.
  It is on one of his early morning rides along the fence line that he sees a beautiful woman named Maria. She is near death and instead of calling the Border patrol his heart steers him in another direction. He is trying to make up for his past mistakes that brought him where he was, he decides to hide Maria. When he does this he releases a deadly chain of events that he could never even thought of.
  He and Maria set out on the run from a killer and they fight to stay alive, together. His secrets continue to haunt him the more he learns of Maria's past. He realizes that he needs to save her so that he will save both of them. This is a love story, and a story of great hope.
  I enjoyed this story as I love all stories of love and hope in the face of so many seemingly insurmountable odds. I was given this book to review by Tyndale Blog Network and all opinions are my own.
  If you have questions about the author please visit   You can also view the book trailer at
Another great book by a wonderful author.

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