
Wednesday, September 5, 2012


   I am so very thankful that Mommy is homeschooling. I drove by a school today and saw the kids already looking looking like they just do not want to be there. It was all not because they are just kids, it seemed as if some were scared and acted very shy while others kind of acted like they were really popular and bossy, how do the average kids fit in?
    Because we had a problem this past week with a stove breaking and a bat in the house the kids and Mommy stayed at Nana's house. In a few short weeks Bobo has practically mastered the ipad and Sissy loves the computer.
   Because I am a  former Board of Education member in my town I am well aware of the costs to educate each child and how hard it is, if not impossible to get all the equipment they really need. The ipad is one of the best things we have ever bought.
   Today the kids found 2 large magnets that  Poppie had and went around the house finding out which things would stick to the magnet. They had a ball and then we compared each item, why they stuck together and what they all had in common. Right now the kids seem to be learning something new each day, but the really funny thing is that they are actually interested and want to learn. The counting each item, the minor addition and subtraction are really taking off.
     Also because of the elections we are talking a little about the President and who will be  running against him. We have not really settled into a routine yet but after this commotion we hope to do just that. What was really weird was that when Mommy's oven broke we sat down and listed all of the other ways we could cook.
   We have a microwave, a griddle, a grill for steaks or hamburgers, a crockpot, a toaster, and more. It was amazing to see how many gadgets we really have, So we were able to make full meals in the crockpot or microwave, the griddle could make pancakes, eggs, grilled cheese, and more, The possibilities are endless.
   It was also plain to see that the weather was getting colder because Mommy went on a baking binge. She loves to bake, just not as much in the hot summer.   The great thing is, we get to eat all of the good stuff.


  1. It is really good when you can incorporate everyday living with lessons. The magnet is a good science project that you can use other things like a rock and cloth to compare its effect on metal. The politics is also a good way to introduce community and social studies.
    Being a teacher and having my kids in the public system it is hard having to concentrate on teaching others when you really just want to focus on the one or two that really matter. But everyone has to play with the cards they are felt... until you can reshuffle them :)
    I am following you now and hope you follow back.

  2. I have to admit the house is way too quiet tonight :( I miss the kids already last night I was sitting with sissy on the couch and she heard mommy and nana talking about them going home tonight she said "but auntie I live with you now" I explained it was only for a short time, but I have to admit I really miss them :( kids do brighten up your day cannot wait for them to come back

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