
Saturday, July 21, 2012


     While Daddy was getting the yard ready for Bobo's and Sissy's birthday party, Mommy went outside to help. She walked over to look at the garden and thought she saw something yellow under a large leaf. She pushed it away and saw a squash about 7 inches long amoung all of the flowers, for the squash and other vegetables we are growing. 
      It seems as if it is a little early this year for us, but, I guess we are getting better every year that we have a garden! This is a  great way to make a homeschooling lesson fun. We thought about what we wanted in the garden. We drew a map showing where each was to be planted. We then planted and watered every night. Now as we pick our produce we will have lessons in cooking. Children are more apt to eat something that they have grown. I think the grownups have almost as much fun as the kids.

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