
Sunday, July 29, 2012


Sometimes I feel as if I am walking a line that I never thought I would. Years ago when my children were small I became very disillusioned with our local Board of Education. My response then was to get involved and try to help make changes. I became so outspoken that I was approached to run for the Board of Education in our town, I did not win the first time but, when I ran for the Town Council the following year I won and served 2 years. I learned a lot about the school's budgets and where the money went. I ran again for the Board of Education years later and won again, just to find out that some things never change. This time, however I was on the front lines. It seemed to me as if the schools were taking away parental rights and teaching whatever THEY thought was important, not what some parents wanted their children to learn. When my grandson started school I was once again faced with the same thoughts.
The difference is that when my children were small there was  a feeling that homeschooling is a bad thing, almost unheard of. The thoughts were that parents had no right to even think for one minute that they could or should even think about homeschooling their own children. I am happy that parents are starting to take back their rights. It is important to  let the people in charge of educating our children that they are wrong, that we as parents are our children's best teachers. From the day they are born we teach them. When they actually go into their first year of school the knowledge they take with them is what we have taught them.
So, here I am a grandmother who has served on the Board of Education, promoted our schools and I am now promoting homeschooling. I find myself talking about it almost everyday. I wish that this  was a stronger option when my children, Mommy, her sisters and brother were in school.

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