
Saturday, June 30, 2012


It's that ttme of year again! Time to think about balancing the act of having great meals while trying to stay cool at the same time. It seems like only yesterday that we were going through the huge storm in October and went for 6 days without power.
One of my favorite ways to stay cool is to use a crockpot. I love these because you get it ready and forget about it. It will also stay warm if you have people that eat at different times.  It is also a good way to use a piece of meat that normally would be a little hard to eat and make it a lot tenderer. This is a great way to save money because you are able to buy cheaper cuts of meat.
My all time favorite still remains chilcken. It is such a versatile meat. There are so many ways to cook it.  Rinse off the chicken pieces pot them in the crockpot. Then you can either pour barbeque sauce or any other seasonings in the pot. Then put in a small amount of water. Close the lid and set the temperature and walk away .  On low it will only take abot 7 to 8 hours and on high it will be about 5 hours.
Summer is no time to stop being creative in the kitchen !

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