
Sunday, April 29, 2012


This week we have started to show Bobo and Sissy how much fun it is to plant your own seeds and then replant as they grow bigger and bigger. Mommy's little sister gave the 2 kids little plastic greenhouses that came with seeds. One had tomatoes the other had flowers. Within a week they were touching the top of the plastic! Yesterday during a tag sale we had, we replanted them into bigger pots. They are so excited and cannot wait until it is warm enough to plant. The past few nights we  had freeze warnings.  I was excited, (but no one else was) when Daddy couldn't mow the lawn and we got to pick dandelions and we blew them to show the little seeds blow away. There are so many things in nature that we can use to teach our children.  Nature is free for all of us to enjoy whenever we want.

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