
Saturday, January 14, 2012


I started this year off by promising myself that I would look for coupons wherever I could and then I WOULD use them! A lot of times I would get the paper cut the coupon out and then leave them at home, or, I would download the coupon and then do the same. So, this year so far I have been doing really well with keeping up with my promise to myself.

I also started looking up the websites of the products I love and use most often and started sending them quick emails to ask if they have coupons they send people. I have got to tell you that it has been like my birthday everyday in the mailbox. I never know what I will get it the mail that day. I am having a great time and saving money, too !

Did I tell you lately that I am totally in love with my crock pot? Well, I guess I can tell you again! Now when I go to the store I look for beef roasts, chicken pieces or pork ribs and shoulders on sale that week. I love throwing them in the pot and just doing what I want until it's ready.

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