
Monday, January 2, 2012


I cannot begin to tell you how much I loved THE ACCIDENTAL BRIDE BY DENISE HUNTER ! This is the beautiful story of a cowgirl running her own ranch, Shay Brandenbeger raising her daughter and trying to get over being jilted at the altar by cowboy Travis Mccoy her high-school sweetheart. The small town she lives in has a Founder's Day wedding reenactment each year.
She has agreed to play the bride in the wedding reenactment and the elderly dress shop owner has decided that the man who was supposed to be the groom has been replaced by non other than you guessed it Travis Mccoy!
Then the most unimaginable thing happens, Travis finds out that because of an unorganized preacher and a busybody they find themselves in a real marriage. Travis finds out that she is in danger of losing her home so he makes up a way to help her. She has a hard choice that she needs to make.
If she accepts his help she will b able to keep her home. But, if she does say yes can she deal with her feelings that she still after 14 years is having all over again? She cannot figure out if this is really God's will or just a mistake. She has to find out if this is truly an accident or is this the way it was supposed to really happen ? I didn't want to finish the book, I enjoyed every minute that I read it!
I received this book by WWW.BOOKSNEEZE.COM for a review with no other compensation. The opinions are all my own.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a wonderful book. I am going to have to order one for my self. Thanks for the great review.
