
Friday, November 25, 2011


Yesterday was Thanksgiving. It was also my (Nana's) birthday. We won't discuss how old I was but I was very happy that all of my children and grandchildren were there! Boy were we all stuffed. Then we had a huge Italian rum cake for me and Mommy, who's birthday was on Monday. Nana's sister Lisa's birthday is today. We were all born in the same week. Bobo and Sissy were very happy to help us blow out the candles.
The really strange thing though, was that it was over 50 degrees. That made the house hot, way too hot for November. I can remember when we used to have fires in the fireplace on Thanksgiving because it was soo cold. Heck a few weeks ago we had the freak snowstorm that made us all lose power for over a week! I guess we really have a lot to be thankful for.
Mommy and her sister, decided to go out after we all ate dinner to get some bargains. Nana was too tired to go out. I was told they got some great bargains. I waited until today and went to a few stores to use my coupons before they expired. I was surprised to see so many people in the grocery stores.
I hope to go out tomorrow and try to get more shopping done. I hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving and all get home safe.

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