
Sunday, November 6, 2011


We finally got power on Saturday morning exactly a week from when we lost it. Some of our family members still don't have power. The light company has a lot to answer for. Sissy, Bobo, Mommy and me Nana spent the whole week together! First 2 days were at their house with all Nana's children and grandchildren because they had a fireplace. Then Sissy, Bobo Mommy and Nana along with Mommy's sister www.dealsharingaunt.blogspotcom went to a hotel. We stayed for 3 nights. Then we came home . Mommy Sissy Bobo stayed at Nana's son's house who had power. Nana stayed home. That morning we woke up to power. That night they stayed at Nana's house. Sissy and Bobo were so good. It was really hard for them because they really wanted to go home. Today they were able to.
So here we go again. Just 2 months ago we had hurricane Irene and lost all of the refrigerator and the freezer contents. We will have trouble filling it up again so soon so I started looking for coupons. I guess it will keep us busy for a few weeks. I am so very thankful that we are all okay and no one got hurt. I am praying everyday that the rest of our family members get power soon . The kids have been out of school for over a week. I certainly hope we get back to normal soon.

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