
Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I was very excited and happy to be able to read and review THE CHRISTMAS NOTE BY DONNA VANLIERE. She has written so many Christmas beautiful stories and I have equally enjoyed each and every one. This is about an unlikely friendship that is between 2 women. They go on to form a friendship that changes them both forever. Gretchen Daniels has moved into a new community and is starting a new life with her 2 children. She has done this to be closer to her mother. There is a young woman living next to them who is very mysterious. She keeps to herself. One day her landlord knocks on Gretchen's door for assistance. He wanted to tell Melissa that her mother has died. Gretchen reaches out to Melissa and offers to help her empty out her mother's apartment.When they get there the apartment has nothing really worth saving. There are a few photos and a note discovered on a crate beside the bed. It is not finished . There are 2 scribbled lines. When Melissa reads the note she finds out secrets about her family that she never even knew. These 2 very different woman set out on a journey to explore a need for hopes. redemption .
The book goes back and forth writing as Melissa and them as Gretchen. I really would have wanted to be under one person but I think it was necessary in this book. It is a heartwarming story of family loss, family finding family and most of all love .

I was provided this book to review for

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