
Friday, September 30, 2011


When I started to read this book WHERE HAS OPRAH TAKEN US? THE RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE OF THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS WOMAN BY STEPHEN MANSFIELD I was not really sure what I would really feel about this famous woman of our time. I learned a lot more about Oprah Winfrey than I ever thought I would. What more does anyone have to utter but her name "OPRAH" to have someone shake their head and picture her face in their mind? For years we watched her on TV talking to some of the greatest people of our time. Through all of this she makes it look easy. She makes her everyday life look easy.

She was a woman we learned that had a terrible, terrible childhood. Her childhood ended the same day she lost her innocence when she became pregnant at the age of 14 years old by a family member. The most horrible in all of this is that no one believed her, not even her other family members who were supposed to help and protect her.

There was nothing else for her to do but to carry on. She was and is a strong woman . As a child she was taken every Sunday to Church. At the age of 21 she continued to go to church but no one was fooled, her faith had changed.

She has become to all of us a strong woman, a woman of courage, a woman who wants and does help the people who she believes need her help. But through all of this she seems to have chosen her own Religion , her own beliefs and her own ideas about spirituality. One of her biggest beliefs is her belief in the power of destiny. She felt that way ever since she was four years old and had a conversation with her grandmother. The problem is that when someone is as well known and people look to them for guidance than it is much more important what their feelings are about spirituality. She is a story of hope and triumph. But there is also a feeling of not really knowing what it is all about.

A book which left me asking; who really is the real Oprah and where has she really taken us?

This book was sent to me without charge by to read and review this book. The opinions are all of my own .

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