
Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Well the day of the hurricane Sunday morning we woke up to zero power. We didn't even have a phone. I started to get hysterical because I couldn't even check on my children and grandchildren. I was so happy when I finally reached them (by cellphone ) and found out that the whole family had lost phone, internet and power except my babies.

Right then and there I was okay. You see like most mothers and grandmothers we don't care about ourselves but our babies.

They were so worried about me that they sent my parents over to check on me. My son and Mommy had power through this whole ordeal. my youngest daughter is still without power. My other daughter is also okay.

I have no frozen food, and empty refrigerator but I have my family. And that is all that counts.

I am on my way to the grocery store because I really need cream for my hot coffee. Thanks for all the well wishes across the country. Nana

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